
Volunteer | Membership | Careers


Our Volunteer Program offers a wide range of opportunities for learning at all levels. 

Examples of volunteer opportunities include:

  • – Tamarack Editorial Board Member
  • – Assistance with workshops and events like our Annual International Women’s Day Celebration
  • – Administrative support, assistance with publications and communications initiatives
  • Interested?  Apply here or on the link below
  • Volunteer Application
TWRCS-smiling girls-unsplash

TWRCS Membership

Membership with the Terrace Women’s Resource Centre Society: 

  • Fees support the work of the Society
  • Have a voice in the Society (vote!)
  • Receive invitations to Society functions
  • Get to know a great group of women!
  • Good value — $10, or what you can afford

Become a member at any time by contacting us or attend our Annual General Meeting which occurs in the Fall of every year. 

Interested in becoming a member here at TWRCS?

Take a look at the roles and duties of a board member and see if it is right for you.

Access this document through the link below:

Duties And Role Of A Board Member 

Contact us: info@twrcs.ca


Careers @ TWRCS

There are no Career openings at this time.  

TWRCS Career Opening
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