The Terrace Women’s Resource Centre Society (TWRCS) is a non-profit society and registered charity established in 1980. It is a safe and supportive space accessed by women and families.
We house the following programs under The Family Place umbrella:
Terrace Community Literacy | Terrace Women’s Resource Centre
The Terrace Women’s Resource Centre Society offers activities and resources which promote healthy communities, help women, create community engagement, and reduce financial, cultural and social barriers for families.
We believe that providing access to relevant and timely community information, and building social connections will create a strong community. Our space is used over 250 days every year by outside community groups and programs!
What We Do
We address barriers which prevent women from reaching their full potential.
We promote safe and healthy communities.
We offer information, referrals, and targeted programs that develop literacy, healthy living, safe relationships and economic prosperity.
We promote partnerships among community groups.
We provide an open and inclusive gathering space.
Free workshops and weekly groups
One-on-one support to connect with community resources
Year-round Income Tax support through the CVITP for people with a modest income
Free personal products, some baby items (toiletries)
Computer and internet access, tea and coffee
Baby-changing table and quiet breastfeeding area
Child-friendly, Open door policy
Lending Library for Parents
How We Practice/In Practice
Acknowledge that we operate on Tsimshian land
Respect the reconciliation process—contribute to decolonizing framework and dismantle the systems of oppression still present in Canada
Recognition and advocacy of anti-racist Canadian feminism by practicing intersectionality
Challenge Rape Culture through partnerships with community organizations
Check out the links below to see how you can get connected today!
Women's Centre Programs
We provide ongoing drop-in groups and support for our community (click on the titles below to learn more):
Call: 250-638-0228 or email: for more info.
Program supervised by Terrace Regional Hospice Society
A great time to meet new friends or connect with friends you know. Group for absolute beginner and experienced knitters, needlepoint, felt, crocheting, sewing and more.
We also participate in other Fibre Arts events in Terrace: Knit in Public Day, Weaving Workshop, Knitting at the Terrace Public Library. We partner with the Terrace Art Gallery on many exciting craft and art initiatives.